Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Love in Bloom - Blog Hop Giveaway


Love in Bloom Giveaway Hop

Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer & Portrait of a Book

I'm so excited to be participating in the Love in Bloom blog hop again this year.
This time, I'm giving away a signed copy of the fabulous Leah Rae Miller's The Summer I Became a Nerd. Isn't the cover enough to make you want to reach into your screen and grab it?

To enter, just leave me a comment, telling us the nerdiest thing you've ever done. I'll go first. I saw Star Wars the Phantom Menace 16 times in the theater. That's right. I'm a loud and proud fan of the franchise. Now it's your turn. If you feel like tweeting about my giveaway, just tag me (@ophelia_london) and that'll score you extra points. Please leave me your email addy so I can find you later.

After you enter to win here, don't forget to hop on over to the other participants. Many writerly treasures are to be had. Good luck!


  1. I keep a list of the 300+ books in my room in alphabetical order and arrange them all on the shelves also in alphabetical order. Anyone who wants to read one has to sign a "contract" that they will return it in good condition or pay for a new one...pretty nerdy:)

    1. I want to live in your room. That sounds heavenly. Mine are mostly organized by author and color. Weird, I know.

  2. I got a BS in Computer Science. Does that count?

  3. I harassed my professor who gave me a B in his class until he finally gave me an A :D

    1. That's too cool. I'm giving you an A on your comment post just for admitting that!

  4. I would show up to class an hour early,just to get the best seat in class,middle front row seat.

    1. Depends on which class, Bex. I used to show up to my film class early to get a good seat. :)

  5. I had a Meetup group for a year that was the Sci-Fi/Fantasy group. I organized outings to the science center, archon, kama con, etc. We also had a book club:)

    cc_clubbs at yahoo dot com

  6. I color code and alphabetize everything in my house... I am OCD about everything... I honestly freak out when my husband moves things on my coffee table by an inch lol it is quite sad....

  7. Whenever I see a person put a book in the wrong place whether in a library, book store, or my own book shelves I freak out and make them put it back where it belongs because it bugs me to death. :P Weird, I know.

  8. I waited in line for over six hours to see one of the Harry Potter movies at midnight. And have seen the last five or so at midnight. Love HP!
    nightsky1102 at gmail dot com

  9. I have boxes and boxes of X Men comics. Also, I have seen every movie and cartoon that is X Men related and own them all. I don't know if that's nerdy or obsessed lol.

  10. I love spiderman! amberlynnfitzpatrick(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. I was the 13th best word processor in the nation when I was in high school. Good ole FBLA days.

  12. I was such a trusted student when I was in high school that they let me grade other student's papers and type up their report cards.

  13. One day I arranged all my books on my bookshelf according to author and series. Took a while but, worth it!

  14. I have a certain way that I hold my books. You can't hold them any other way. It drives my sister NUTS. :D


  15. Hmmm...I once had this mad urge to smother myself with knowledge and read through like 4 different textbooks. I believe they were World History, Algebra, Bio, and Literary Exploration:) Dark times...

  16. My whole life is one big nerd-fest. I went to the State competitions for Math League and Science Olympiad in high school...

    realityisnovel at g mail dot com

  17. I spent my spring break being totally crazy, staying up til 4 am... reading.

  18. Robin ChristofaroMay 17, 2013 at 7:39 AM

    I used to skip recess to help the teachers grade their


  19. I have a three ring binder with pocket pages for my book marks...I just like to look at them, not use them

    jmluker at vhtmail dot net

    1. OOH, great idea!!!!! Just might hafta borrow that one... ;)

  20. Gosh, what geeky thing have I NOT done? I've watched Titanic in the theater 6 times (which I'm pretty embarrassed about now), and I screamed like a fan girl when I got home after dinner with Lauren Oliver. :-)

    Christina @ Ensconced in YA
    ensconcedya at gmail dot com

  21. I know what "42" means!!
    rierie11booger (@)

  22. The nerdiest thing I've ever done?! Oh dear, hahah. Once, I cosplayed on a choir trip with my friends for an entire day. It was essentially an entire day of LARPing, hahaha. One of my friends was a guy character, so we stuck all her hair up in a beanie--we actually tricked our chaperone into thinking we'd snuck a guy into our hotel room, hahah. (:

  23. The nerdiest thing I've ever done? Probably went in cosplay attire with my girlfriend (as the Doctor and a companion) to a museum. We proceeded to act like nerds and get into shenanigans in different exhibits haha. Thanks for the giveaway.


  24. Taught math for years:) It is all I can really think of right now but I'm sure there are a lot more! Thanks!
    saltsnmore at yahoo dot com

  25. The summer before senior year I challenged myself to read a book a day.

  26. I became a teacher because I never want to stop learning. This summer I am challenging myself to start reading every Newberry winner and runner up since the award started in 1922.

  27. I think I'm just an overall nerd. I love reading, painting, and coding. NERD ALERT! :) reviewkidsbooks(at)gmail(dot)com

  28. I set the clock in my card and in my living room 10 minutes fast so I won't be late, I hate walking into anything late, usually I am too early, but at least I am not late...LOL i.teel(at)sbcglobal.(dot)net

  29. I read 30 books in 2 weeks for a reading challenge, to win a bookstore gift card, no joke! Thanks for the amazing giveaway :D

    iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com

  30. I used to always read a book a day.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    natasha_donohoo_8 at hotmail dot com

  31. I have a AA in Computer programing and worked 12 years doing programing at a College.
    avonsherry2003 @ yahoo dot com

  32. I think my entire life has settled at the same level of nerdiness. ^_^ I did buy a book on Quenyan grammar once.

  33. I dressed up in a full Hogwarts student uniform for the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, I was 20, so I'm very much a nerd, lol.


  34. Not nerdy but when the first Star Wars movie came out I stood in line in the rain for two hours to be able to see it on the first day.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  35. I joined the Math Club and got a Bachelors of Mathematics.
    kumquat8 at hotmail dot com

  36. I read an ARC of this book and absolutely ADORE it!! I'd love to have a signed copy of it! :)

    Gee, what nerdy thing HAVEN'T I done?! Hmm, so many to choose from...I mean, I've never LARPed before, but...there's a whole lotta nerdy in my 30-something years of life! Let's see: I was in the Chess Club! In 1st grade. Oh. Yeah. Kicked off my public school years *just right*, I'd say! ;)

    So, my question for YOU is...who did you dress up as for those 16 trips to the theater to see Phantom Menace?!?! Did you go with Padme/Amidala? Or that blue woman in a bikini?? OR did you go all gender-bending and dress as a young Obi-Wan Kenobi, perhaps?! :D (my hubs is a HUGE SW fan. tho even he didn't see TPM in the theater 16 times!!)

  37. I could once name every episode of the X-Files in order of air date

  38. I'm not too nerdy, except I read every chance I get :)

    eg kaufman

  39. First off, thanks for the giveaway opportunity and for participating in the hop!

    Secondly, nerdy things? Oh let me count the ways in which I am/always have been nerdy. Um, I participated in spelling bees even when they stopped forcing us to after grade school. I'm quite OCD about everything (which I've had to learn to bend on with a 7yo & 5yo boy as well as a child-husband). Currently my bookshelves are arranged in color, then height, then alphabetical order, but that changes every two months when I dust my shelves and the covers. I also have VERY detailed spreadsheets to keep up with my galleys, book birthdays, and book tours. :D



  40. I watch My Little Pony... a lot. I get teased all the time haha.

  41. I love my books and always reorganize them when I get knew books. I can stay up all night to the early morning reading if I can get away with it ;)

    1. Thanks so much for the chance!
      linaramz (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I would have to say that the nerdiest thing I do is doing math for the fun of it. I get my college math book and I'll sit down and just do a few pages of math. I LOVE math!! Math has always been my favorite subject. I can do it all day long!! Well in-between reading :))) Thank you so much for a chance to win and for being a part of this fun and awesome blog hop!!


  44. I waited in line at Walmart for 7 hours because I heard they had 3 collector's editions of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. Mind you, I had pre-ordered a copy already, but I wanted a CE!

  45. I used the word Kerfuffle in a conversation with my sister. She has yet to let me hear the end of it


  46. I went to New York for two week and I spent the entire two weeks in the hotel reading all Nicholas Sparks' books. It was epic my mom got so mad at me that when we got to Miami she hid all my books for like a week.

  47. yep love the cover thanks for being part of the hop - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

  48. reading instructions for board games before playing them

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  49. I like to collect things like books or movies. I also collect Wheat Pennies for my father.
    Thanks for participating in this hop! Summer is the perfect time for love to bloom! Probably my favorite love story is the book, "Outlander" by Diana Gabaldon. Jamie Fraser and Claire are epic! I also have enjoyed the books, "Courting Miss. Hattie" by Pamela Morsi and a more recent book, "Beautiful Disaster" by Jamie McGuire.
    Thanks for the giveaway!
    mestith at gmail dot com

  50. Thanks for the giveaway!
    I love to read old textbooks that my bookstore sells for clearance!

  51. I absolutely dressed up like a Spice Girl for Halloween two years in a row...I still listen to all their music and I'm not afraid to admit it!


  52. I read all of Harry Potter in two weeks, I've begged teachers for snail extra credit opportunities so I can get over 100% in their classes, I've waited in line for half a day to meet my favorite author, I've skipped school to meet Ally Carter (rebellious, I know!) and I'm currently begging my father to get me another bookshelf because three just isn't enough. I'm just a tad bit nerdy!

    1. Also, my email is fishtwin96(at)gmail(dot)com

  53. The nerdiest thing I have ever done was enter a math competition in high school.

  54. Thanks for the comments, everyone. This has been such fun. I've laughed out loud several times. Now, to pick the winner...

  55. I love this blog!
    Really fantastic


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