To kick off this week of #ChickLitLove, we're asking our sassy heroines some Valentines Day-themed questions. I chose Ellie from FALLING FOR HER SOLDIER. Take it away, Ellie!
What three qualities do you find most attractive in a partner? If
my guy has a great sense of humor, that’s a huge plus because I love to laugh.
Honesty is very important to me, too. And also, a sexy smile can melt me into a
happy puddle of love goo.
What’s your idea of romance? I love it when my guy does something for
me that I know he’s never done for anyone else—ever. Like dancing the tango to
Michael Buble with me…that’s pretty hot. (hint: Charlie)
Who's your favorite on-screen couple? Meg Ryan & Tom Hanks from You’ve Got Mail. Not only is
that movie darling and Meg Ryan’s hair is supercute, but their story is close
to my heart because Charlie and I met the same way…through e-mails.
What's been your most embarrassing moment in regards to the
opposite sex? Oh…where should I start? Even though I’m a ballet dancer, I’ve
never been particularly elegant when I’m not “on stage."

How have you coped with break-ups in the past? My most recent
break-up was pretty tough, so much so that I decided to put myself on dating
ice for a whole year. I kept dating the wrong kind of guy and needed to break
the cycle. I also learned to love hot fudge sundaes.

What is the craziest thing you've ever done for love? I didn’t know it at the time, but I danced on live TV with the guy I was falling in love with.
PDA: How much is acceptable? I’m not a huge fan of it, but sometimes you just can’t help it. I’ve been known to instigate a little PDA when the mood strikes. It’s fun to keep your partner on his toes…or off his feet.
What is the best relationship advice you've ever gotten? My best
friend Jane told me to forgive and move past something that had really upset
me. It was a trust issue and I had some baggage from a previous relationship
about that. Taking Jane’s advice was a huge leap of faith, but it ended up
being the best decision I’ve ever made.
Don't forget to follow all the #ChickLitLove on Twitter. See you tomorrow for more #ChickLitLove fun!
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