Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Did you suggest a band name?

So yeah, I totally finessed the below from our backstagepass blog, because I'm just that lazy.  But it's all super-cool stuff, so check it out. Oh and click HERE to follow BSP on Facebook, and get all the cool haps!

Wow. This has been super-hard. We asked you to name our band, and you answered us! As you can imagine, getting five authors to agree to anything is like herding cats in zero gravity… but we came to some kind of consensus which resulted in slightly more winners that we had imagined. Our minds were blown by your ingenuity!

Your suggestions were awesome, funny, crazy and all around amazing. Some of our favorites included “Hey Juliet” from Mary, DV8 suggested by Leah, and The Cherry Sundays from Susan. Five Miles from Nowhere suggested by Rachel Gilbert resonated with nearly everyone…until we found a band had already come up with that name *shakes fists at sky*! Five by Five was well received too, as it had multiple meanings for us—so thank you Christine for that one.
So we started playing around with half of one suggestion and half of another… until we totally got ourselves in a muddle that we had to bring out the big guns to unravel: the dreaded spreadsheet! From that we selected a combination of names and winners.
This is a lie
For our main winner, we let the random.org number generator pick (because we couldn’t decide!) out of all the Rafflecopter entries, plus those who commented. That winner was Lori. She will get her name in at least one of our books and will also get a $50 Amazon gift card. Please email us, Lori, with your Amazon account email addy so we can email you the gift card!
Leah, Rachel, Christine, Susan, and Amber Shepherd (for the sheer number for good ideas she had), will get little swag pack from us nearer our release date. So please contact us at backstagepassbooks@gmail.com and leave us your mailing addresses!
Now all there is left to do is to tell you the name of Miles, Ryder, Trevin, Will and Nathan’s band…

Sooooooooon! We promise :D

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