Wednesday, August 17, 2011

All Blocked Up

It's been a long, looooooong, hot summer. Consequently, I've had issues being motivated to do just about anything. Writing, in particular. Am I discouraged because of rejection or does impending rejection make me unmotivated, and therefore, discouraged? You can see the cyclical pickle I find myself. Inside-Your-Head much, Mary? Probably.

The other day, I received a very kind message from "Bridget" (you remember her, my fabulous writer friend) after we'd swapped manuscripts. I disclosed to her how I've been buried in this foggy funk for a while. Here is her reply:

"Everyone has blocks and times that they can't bear to read their own book again, and struggle for ideas to move forward... You just have to search for a trigger to motivate you... Actually maybe blogging is a good thing to do to get you over your slump. Just commit to one post a week, and tweet a link to your post. This weeks can be "I need motivation/inspiration"!..."

Honestly, it was what I needed to hear.

So, here I am, blasting my current favorite song on repeat and blogging, if just for the exercise. Already feeling better....

"Forget all the rules.

Forget about being published.

Write for yourself and celebrate writing."

-Melinda Haynes

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